Distance Energy Club
Today's Session

Hi ,

For today things in our session felt very grounded.  My feet were firmly planted on the floor, and felt connected deep into the ground below.  There was a light feeling of energy throughout my body throughout.  The word "integration" came to mind during the session.  My instinct is saying that the integration was a process of each member taking bits of energy that they needed, from the group in some cases, and giving away to others that which they don't need at this time. Like a great cosmic balancing act!  I felt incredible gratitude for being able to take part in that process.

I also had a short vision that involved seeing a small spider, and that was followed by me walking through a spider web hanging across a trail, the web temporarily sourrounding my face.  It wasn't clear to me the meaning of the vision, but perhaps one or more of you will understand and take something away from it!

Yours in healing,


Helpful Hint - Even if you forgot about it, or were busy, you will still receive the effects of a session.  You also have the option of sitting down and receiving the energy at a later time should that be your preference.  Energy is not limited by distance or time so if you intend for the session to be received at an alternate time then you will receive its benefits when you ask for it.

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