Distance Energy Club
Today's Session

Hi ,

Thanks for being an important part of the group!  Your participation is significant for many different reasons and I am grateful that you are here.  This morning a watched a video of Greta Thunberg delivering a recent speach - still with the same fiery resolution that she has always had. This, despite the adversity she faces, the many people who question her motives, her message and her integrity.  Despite all of that she stands sound, proceeds forward, and knows what she has to do. For that I look up to her greatly, and try to take a lesson away from it. That in our own lives we should make sure that we stand up for what we believe in and get the message out to all who need to hear it. 

During our session today my mind kept going back to these thoughts, which emphasized the importance of the message again in my mind.  So today, I share it with you in hopes that it will bring something important into your life as well.

With gratitude and peace,

P.S. This month's theme is Creativity!
P.P.S. For answers to any questions you may have click here.

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