Distance Energy Club
Today's Session

Hi ,

In today's session it felt like I was inside a giant helium balloon, and the balloon kept inflating. Getting bigger and bigger, and as the interior became more spacious it also began tipping precariously at times. It started to feel  both expansive as well as a bit unnerving. This can be the experience of healing as well. Each step into new territory can feel unstable at times, along with a whole other array of feelings and emotions. We may tend to classify some of those feelings as "good" and some as "bad" but really they are all just feelings responding to the situation. They are all part of the continuing journey. All necessary and perfect for what you are experiencing. The stage of your growth and the place on your path. Feel what you feel and then release what no longer serves you.

With gratitude always,


P.S. Any time you would like to make a request for something to focus on in upcoming sessions, you can request it here

P.S.S. For more info about the work we're doing here click here.


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