Distance Energy Club
Today's Session

Hi ,

Today's session started very slowly. It was very subtle for quite some time. Almost imperceptible. Eventually there was a sensation of calmness being brought on. Things were being smoothed out in broad horizontal strokes. Like spreading thick, creamy icing on a cake. It felt quite pleasurable. And it seemed like it was taking off the edges so to speak. Smoothing things out to make them easier to deal with. Transforming them into something altogether different.

Following a few minutes of that the climate of the session changed fairly abruptly. Some difficult feeling energy rose to the surface. It was quite chaotic and felt like it was linked to a challenge or challenges. As this chaotic energy arose there soon followed more of the smoothing energy like before. It had more work to do now that the chaotic energy had come to the surface, but it was up to the task and in time smoothed out the bumps there as well.

This process felt quite transformative. These transformations can sometimes be felt in somewhat challenging ways at first, so please be gentle with yourself over the next few days. Healing is a journey and I encourage you to let me know how things are going for you on this journey. You can reply to this email or use the request form. Thank you!

With gratitude always,


P.S. Any time you would like to make a request for something to focus on in upcoming sessions, you can request it here

P.S.S. For more info about the work we're doing here click here.


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