Distance Energy Club
Today's Session

Hi ,

Today's session provided supportive energy. When we feel pain, be it a physical pain or emotional, it often tends to be a message. Some aspect of our life is in a state of change - it is healing or adjusting in some way. And the pain we feel manifests itself in some way - often in something completely unrelated to what we are actually dealing with subconsciously. So if it is a physical pain or sensation you are dealing with, there's a good chance there is some underlying reason it has appeared at this time. It is an indication of healing in progress, or a reminder to try to pay attention to something that wants to heal. In either case listen to what your body is trying to tell you, allow yourself to feel and receive any message it is trying to deliver, and experience it fully without locking it away. If we do that, and don't try to simply supress the pain, then we move forward in our healing. 

With gratitude,

P.S. For answers to any questions you may have click here.


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