Distance Energy Club
Today's Session

Hi ,

During today's session there was a focus of energy on three distinct spots. Each spot was about the size of the end of a pinkie finger. The spots were found on the right side of the neck, inside the right side of the mouth near the roof, and inside the middle of the right half of the head. The three spots were connected by an angled line of energy. Part way through our session there was a partial blockage release and it lead to a desire to change the tilt of my head slightly. It was a minor change but it seemed to bring a full change of perspective. Things looked different - even with that slight change in view. 

A lot of the work I'm doing these days seems to bring this message. Alternative perspectives, actively exploring new ways of doing and being are important ingredients in fully living our life and exposing the messages that guide us on our authentic path.

With gratitude,

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