Hi ,
Good afternoon! Today's session was very nice and free-flowing. I felt a number of spots that were ichy on the skin at various times throughout the session, indicating to me that they were important healing points. Most prominent were a spot on the lower back just to the right of the spine, as well as the left eye and left eye brow. If you are so inclined you may want to spend some extra time focusing on those spots over the next couple of days if you are meditating. As always those spots can often represent some other emotional/spiritual/physical blockage and focusing on them further can help unlock that blockage.
I also felt movement in my head, random patterns of movement there. Nearer to the end there was a significant movement of energy that tensed my muscles somewhat and filled my lungs to capacity. It felt great - like I was getting a full dose of oxygen after being constricted for some time!
There were a couple of people who made special requests to send energy to a friend/family member this week, so I did that during our group session today, but was also guided to have an additional short session afterward that just focused on those additional people. So right following our main session I did just that. My head was really swimming with energy on that one! It felt like the energy was really appreciated.
Yours in healing, Andrew
Helpful Hint - Even if you forgot about it, or were busy, you will still receive the effects of a session. You also have the option of sitting down and receiving the energy at a later time should that be your preference. Energy is not limited by distance or time so if you intend for the session to be received at an alternate time then you will receive its benefits when you ask for it.
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